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Reusable make-up remover discs: when should they be renewed?

Have you opted for reusable make-up removal pads in the last few months?

Here's what you need to know about their care and lifespan.

If you want to start consuming more responsibly, using reusable cleansing and make-up removal pads is the best way to go. No more disposable cotton pads, washable make-up remover discs allow you to limit packaging and waste while taking care of your skin. Made from natural fibres, such as bamboo or cotton, washable pads do not irritate the skin. However, in order to maintain their quality and softness, there are certain steps to follow regarding their care


#1 Use a mesh bag

After using washable make-up removal pads, it is important to place them in a mesh bag. Once the mesh bag is closed, it can be placed in the washing machine. Protecting the washable pads in a net bag will help maintain their quality. Caution: Washing in a washing machine should be done between 30°c and 40°c.

#2 Use a natural washing powder

To maintain the good quality of the fibre and above all the softness of washable discs, it is recommended to use a natural detergent. In addition to not damaging the fibre, using a natural detergent reduces skin irritation.

#3 Give them a deep cleaning every 3 months

Even if you routinely wash your reusable discs, it's important to give them a deep clean every 3 months. The goal? To give them a facelift. How do you do this? By immersing them in a hot water bath with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and white vinegar. All bacteria will be removed. They will be as good as new.

What is their lifespan?

In general, reusable cotton lasts between one and two years. Over time, even with care, the cotton fibre will be less soft and may cause you some redness. But the life span is still very high compared to disposable pads. So, are you convinced?


To discover our reusable make-up remover, click here!

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